Analyzing HUL’s Product Portfolio using the BCG Matrix
Hindustan Unilever Limited (HUL) is one of the largest consumer goods companies in India, with a diverse portfolio of products across various categories. To better understand and analyze the performance of HUL’s product range, we can use the BCG Matrix. The BCG Matrix is a strategic tool that helps companies classify their products into four categories based on their market growth rate and market share. In this blog post, we will explore how the BCG Matrix can be applied to HUL’s product range, providing insights into its current market position and future growth prospects.
Understanding BCG Matrix

The BCG Matrix, also known as the Boston Consulting Group Matrix, is a widely used strategic management tool that helps businesses analyze their product portfolio and make informed decisions about resource allocation. It was developed by the Boston Consulting Group in the 1970s and has since become a popular framework for assessing the performance of a company’s products or business units.
The BCG Matrix categorizes products into four quadrants based on two dimensions: market growth rate and relative market share. The market growth rate measures the growth potential of a particular market, while the relative market share compares a product’s market share to that of its competitors.
The four quadrants in the BCG Matrix are:
1. Stars: These are products with high market growth rates and high relative market shares. They have strong potential for future growth and profitability.
2. Cash cows: Cash cows have low market growth rates but high relative market shares. They generate a steady flow of cash for the company but have limited growth prospects.
3. Question marks (or problem children): Question marks have high market growth rates but low relative market shares. They require significant investment to capture their full potential and may become either stars or dogs in the future.
4. Dogs: Dogs have both low market growth rates and low relative market shares. They typically generate little profit and may need to be divested or discontinued.
BCG Matrix of HUL

Cash Cows
Cash cows are products with a high market share in a low-growth market. For HUL, cash cows could be their well-established and highly popular products like Dove, Lux, and Lifebuoy. These products have a loyal customer base and generate significant revenue for the company. HUL can continue to invest in these cash cows to maintain their market dominance and maximize profitability.
Stars represent products with a high market share in a high-growth market. In HUL’s case, products like Fair & Lovely, Surf Excel, and Clinic Plus could be considered stars. These products have gained substantial popularity and have the potential to dominate the market and drive significant revenue growth. HUL should allocate resources to these stars to further capitalize on their success and ensure sustained growth.
Question Marks
Question marks, also known as problem children, are products with low market share in high-growth markets. These products have the potential for growth but require careful investment and strategic decisions. For HUL, this could include new product lines or variations that have yet to gain significant market share. By closely monitoring these question marks and investing in marketing and research, HUL can transform them into stars or phase them out if they fail to gain traction.
Dogs are products with low market share in low-growth markets. These products generate limited revenue and have little growth potential. In HUL’s portfolio, some older or less popular products may fall into this category. While these products may have nostalgic value or niche market appeal, HUL should evaluate their profitability and consider discontinuing or repositioning them to focus on more lucrative opportunities.
The BCG Matrix provides a valuable framework for HUL to evaluate and strategize its product portfolio. By understanding the position of each product in terms of market growth and market share, HUL can make informed decisions on resource allocation, marketing efforts, and overall portfolio management. Continuously analyzing and adapting their product mix using the BCG Matrix will help HUL maintain its market leadership and sustain growth in the highly competitive consumer goods industry in India.